High Holidays Seat Reservations 5779-2018

Rosh Hashana & Yom Kipur 5779 (2018)

It is with great excitement that we hereby invite you and your family to join us for the upcoming Yamim Noraim 2018.   We very much look forward to an uplifting holiday in your presence, and we hope that together we achieve our strived-for spiritual goals.

We have improved our ability to reserve your seats and can now be done through the use of our application below.   As to try and respect seating arrangements from prior years, your seats are now pre-reserved/held with the exact same location as Yom Kippur 2017.  You have the ability to purchase these same seats through the date of August 27th.   Should you not pay for your preserved seat before that dat, the seat will open and become available to anyone else for purchase.

We look forward to completing our reservations in a timely manner, and are sure to succeed with our electronic approach.

1) Please note that price per seat for Adult Member is $125, Boys/Girls under the age of 11 is $75.   Adults Non-Member $200, Boys/Girls Non-Member $100.

2) Once purchase is completed; a ticket will print to be used as your proof of purchase, and we ask that you bring the ticket with you to the hall.

3) Should you need additional help with reservations, feel free to reach Rosa at the office at 305-867-6024.


ADULTS: Reserve a seat

CHILDREN: Reserve a seat


ADULTS: Reserve a seat

CHILDREN: Reserve a seat


[tc_seat_chart id=”33300″ show_legend=”true” button_title=”Pick your seat(s)” subtotal_title=”Subtotal” cart_title=”Go to Cart”]