Daily Halacha

Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot: Hilchot Shabbat when is the proper time for candle lighting for Shabbat
. December 8, 2021. Category:Halachot Archive

Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot: Hilchot Shabbat when is the proper time for candle lighting for Shabbat
. December 8, 2021. Category:

Are we allowed to benefit on Shabbat when a non jew performs a Melacha for us? (Introduction)
. June 17, 2021. Category:

How does one fulfill the Mitzvah of eating the three Meals on Shabbat without any bread and only Matza
. March 11, 2021. Category:

How does one eat their Shabbat meal and Seudat Shelishit on the Shabbat Erev Pesah with Bread
. March 5, 2021. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: The order of preferances to make Berachot and in the 7 Species of Israel which Berachot come first.
. December 2, 2020. Category:

Hilchot Talmud Torah: The Special prayer before we begin learning and when we finish learning.
. November 25, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Seudah: Who Blesses the Hamotzi, & one must wait for Amen to be answered.
. November 24, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefillah: The laws of making up for a lost prayer by praying again.
. November 18, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot: How do we calculate Pelag Haminha for lighting candles
. November 13, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefillah: The Halachot of Modim in the Amidah regarding bowing and repeating it
. November 12, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot: The earlist time to light candles Erev Shabbat.
. November 11, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: The importance of Yishtabah, standing up, & not making an interruption during the praises
. November 10, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefila Reciting Amida with fear & respect, cell phone ringing during Amida etc.
. November 6, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: choosing a good seat in the Bet Hakenesset where there is no talking or disturbances.
. November 3, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: Beautiful advice from the Chafetz Chaim how to concentrate during Tefila.
. November 2, 2020. Category:

Hilchot Kaddish: not rushing to sit down for Kaddish and the importance of Kaddish before Hodu or Baruch Sheamar
. October 27, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Nedarim: One should be careful never to swear even for the truth
. October 26, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: What a person should think about when they pray Amidah
. October 22, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: The proper way of saying Pesuke Dezimra and Tefilla
. October 22, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: Standing up for the repitition of the Amidah part 2
. September 17, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Shabbat: Tikun Mana fixing a utensil. Fixing a door or using a plunger to unclog a toilet on Shabbat
. July 24, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Shabbat Make Bepatish: removing price tags or threads from a suit etc
. July 23, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Shabbat: Binyan ustira Bekelim: changing the height of a shtender etc.
. July 22, 2020. Category:
Wearing a mask on Shabbat in a public domain if there is no Eruv and taking haircuts or Shaving Rosh Hodesh Iyar
. April 24, 2020. Category:
Listening to music during Sefirat Haomer this year due to the situation (COVID-19)
. April 20, 2020. Category:
Kashering for Pesah part 3 The laws pertaining to glass, the microwave, Dishwasher, & The Hotplate.
. April 2, 2020. Category:
Kashering part 2 Koshering the oven, stovetop, exhaust, sinks, & Faucets
. April 1, 2020. Category:
Koshering for Pesah No. 1 cutlery, pots, and countertops
. April 1, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Pesah Drinking wine or grape juice and women are obligated in all the Mitzvot of the night.
. March 30, 2020. Category:

Hilchot Tefilla: If a person is in a dangerous place they will pray a Tefilla Ketzarah a Short prayer
. February 13, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefillin: if one has a cast or is unable to place Tefillin in the proper place how does one conduct themselves.
. February 12, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: The laws of an abridged version of The Amidah
. February 12, 2020. Category:

Hilchot Tefilla: until what time may one pray Shaharit?
. February 7, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Sefarim & Genizah Does the plastic cover of Sefarim need Genizah.
. February 3, 2020. Category:
Halachot of taking a Siddur, Tehillim, or Tefillin into the Washroom. For example when travelling in the airport.
. January 31, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: The importance of going on vacation in a place you know there will be a Minyan.
. January 21, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: Running to the Bet Hakenesset or to do a Mitzvah & even on Shabbat.
. January 21, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: It’s better to pray in the Bet Hakenesset than to pray in a house with a Minyan.
. January 17, 2020. Category:
Shiur Rishon Letzion Rav Shlomo Amar Shlit”a on Tefilla
. January 16, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: Praying in a Bet Hakenesset and at the same time of the Tzibbur if you can’t go to yhe Bet Hakenesset.
. January 15, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: One should not pray in an abandoned ruins or behind a Synagogue.
. January 14, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: Praying in an open field or space and praying by your car.
. January 10, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: The Bet Hakenesset or place where one prays should have windows and how many windows.
. January 9, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: Drinking wine or any alcoholic beverages before praying any Tefilla
. January 7, 2020. Category:
Hilchot Sefer Torah: Standing up for the Sefer Torah
. December 19, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: In case one forgot Yaale Veyavo may one fulfill their make up prayer with the repetition of the Amidah?
. December 18, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefilla: How the Tzibbur are supposed to act during the repitition of the Amida
. December 16, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: Answering Amen to your own blessing of Bore Nefashot
. December 13, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: Standing up for the Repitition of the Amidah Part II
. December 12, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: Standing up for the Repitition of the Amidah
. December 10, 2019. Category:

Halachot Birkat Cohanim: The importance of listening to Birkat Cohanim
. November 29, 2019. Category:
Halachot Birkat Cohanim: May we do Birkat Cohanim if there are Goyim present
. November 28, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: Should one lengthen their Tefila on expense on learning Torah or does learning always take precedence.
. November 26, 2019. Category:
Birkat Cohanim: Can a Cohen recite Birkat Cohanim if he didn’t pray Shaharit
. November 20, 2019. Category:
Halachot Berachot: Summary of the order of preferances with which Berachot to start with
. November 19, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefillah: making up Tefillat Musaf that one missed or praying an extra Tefilla on Shabbat.
. November 14, 2019. Category:

Hilchot Tefillah: making up my missed Amidah with the repition of the Shaliah Tzibbur.
. November 12, 2019. Category:

Halachot Elul: Kashrut part 4 Fish & Cheese
. September 22, 2019. Category:
Halachot Elul: Kashrut part 3 Halachot Tolaim – Bugs in the food
. September 19, 2019. Category:
Halachot Elul: The first steps of Teshuva keeping the Laws of Kashrut part 2 Halak Bet Yosef Meat
. September 18, 2019. Category:
Halachot Elul: The first steps of Teshuva keeping the Laws of Kashrut
. September 16, 2019. Category:
Halachot Hadlakat Nerot – If the wife is not around, who lights? the Husband or the Daughter?
. August 15, 2019. Category:
Halachot Hadlakat Nerot – Why are women in charge of the Mitzvah of Hadlakat nerot
. August 15, 2019. Category:

Halachot Hadlakat Nerot: if a woman forgot to light candles but there was electricity lit for Shabbat
. August 1, 2019. Category:

Halachot Hadlakat Nerot – What happens if a woman forgot to light tge candles
. July 26, 2019. Category:
Halachot Hadlakat Nerot – Lighting candles or having lights on in all the places we need light
. July 25, 2019. Category:

Halachot Hadlakat Nerot – Lighting 7 or 10 Candles, or one per child.
. July 24, 2019. Category:
Halachot Hadlakat Nerot – Why do we light two candles
. July 24, 2019. Category:
Halachot of Hadlakat Nerot: Praying during candle lighting
. July 11, 2019. Category:
Halachot of Hadlakat Nerot Shabbat (Lighting Shabbat Candles) #1
. July 9, 2019. Category:
Halachot Berachot: Beracha when you visit a Jewish Cemetary
. June 21, 2019. Category:Halachot Tahanunim: What happens if your Minhag is not to say Tahanun & you are in Minyan that says it.
. June 21, 2019. Category:Halachot of Tahanunim: when do we start Tahanunim again in Sivan
. June 21, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: Whats the Beracha on Hearts of Palm. Palmitos
. June 20, 2019. Category:
Halachot Seudah: Leaving Bread on the Table for Birkat Hamazon
. June 13, 2019. Category:
Halachot Shavuot making one Beracha for food for the whole night of Shavuot
. June 7, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: Changing your place in the middle of a meal summary 2
. June 7, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Tefila: If the Shaliah Tzibbur is a Cohen, how does he conduct himself regarding Birkat Cohanim
. June 6, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: Changing your place in the middle of a meal summary
. June 5, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: Changing your place in the middle of a meal part 2
. May 31, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Berachot: Changing your place in the middle of a meal
. May 30, 2019. Category:
Halachot Wine of goyim: Can one do business with non-kosher wine
. May 23, 2019. Category:
Halachot Berachot & Kiddush: if one drinks a Reviit of water before Kiddush does he say Beracha Aharona
. May 20, 2019. Category:
Halachot Berachot: Reciting the Beracha of Hatov Vehametiv on wine part 1
. May 17, 2019. Category:

Sefirat Haomer: if one forgot to count, appointing someone to remind us to count, etc
. May 9, 2019. Category:
Music and reciting Shehehiyanu during Sefirat Haomer
. May 2, 2019. Category:Money to the poor, Not saying Tahanunim & Mizmor Letodah Erev Pesah
. March 25, 2019. Category:Starting to learn the Halachot 30 days before Pesah
. March 25, 2019. Category:

Halachot of Rebuke: Different reasons one is obligated to help our fellow Jews come closer to Hashem
. February 20, 2019. Category:
Birkat Cohanim: Cohanim doing Netilat Yadayim, raising their arms & the Shaliah Tzibbur reading the words to them.
. February 19, 2019. Category:
Birkat Cohanim: Triple Mitzvah for the Cohen, Standing in awe, Reciting Pesukim during Birkat Cohanim, & Cohanim with Shoes
. February 18, 2019. Category:
Birkat Cohanim: Nowadays, is it a Mitzvah from the Torah and Blessing our children with two hands.
. February 18, 2019. Category:
Making Hamotzi on Mezonot Bread if having a meal
. February 6, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Keriat Shema: Saying Emet and Hashem Elokechem Emet at the end of Keriat Shema to complete 248 words.
. January 17, 2019. Category:
The order of priorities when making Hamotzi the seven species, Full loaf, good quality & big
. January 17, 2019. Category:
Hilchot Hamotzi: eating from your own bread after hearing Hamotzi from the Baal Habayit
. January 17, 2019. Category:

Hilchot Netilat Yadayim: if one hears Hamotzi before Netillat Yadayim does he fulfill his obligation in Hamotzi
. January 17, 2019. Category:
Minhagim of Rosh Hodesh and Birkat Halebana
. January 11, 2019. Category:
Halachot of Standing for Kaddish on Friday Night
. January 11, 2019. Category:
Halachot of Netilat Yadayim and Hamotzi – if one interrupted before eating bread or drinking Kiddush
. January 11, 2019. Category:
Halachot of Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuto Leolam Vaed.
. January 11, 2019. Category:
All the Halachot of admitting to ones sins in public
. January 4, 2019. Category:
Saying the Repitition of the Amida on Friday Night in a house or a private minyan
. January 4, 2019. Category:
Halachot of answering Kaddish & Birkat Cohanim in the middle of Amida & Keriat Shema
. January 4, 2019. Category:
Halachot of Respecting everyone, causing Suffering and Jealousy
. January 4, 2019. Category:
Halachot of telling the Truth & when are we permitted to deviate from the truth part 2
. December 28, 2018. Category:
Halachot of telling the Truth & when are we permitted to deviate from the truth
. December 28, 2018. Category:
Lashon Hara, Rehilut, and Mahloket
. December 20, 2018. Category:
Halachot of learning Torah after Shaharit and What to learn.
. December 14, 2018. Category:
The Berachot for lighting the Hanuka & Sheheyanu if one did not light the first night.
. December 6, 2018. Category:
Guests & Bachurim going to Yeshiva regarding lighting
. December 6, 2018. Category:
Can A Sefaradi light more than one Hanukiya in their house with a Beracha &Having all candles recognizable.
. November 22, 2018. Category:
If the Shaliah Tzibbur forgets Anenu on a fast day
. November 2, 2018. Category:
Tahanunim by a Bar Mitzvah How do we pray Amida without the repetition of the Amidah
. November 2, 2018. Category:
Asking for personal needs in the middle of Amida part 3
. November 2, 2018. Category:
Asking for personal needs in the middle of Amida part 2
. November 2, 2018. Category:
Asking for personal needs in the middle of Amida Part I
. October 25, 2018. Category: