Halachot of Standing for Kaddish on Friday Night Message from admin. January 11, 2019. Category: Halachot Arvit, Halachot Kaddish, Halachot Shabbat Daily Halacha For Today. Halachot of Standing for Kaddish on Friday Night https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Halachot-of-Standing-for-Kaddish-on-Friday-Night.mp3 Praying Amida of Minha during the Tzibbur Amida of Arvit & Answering Amen to Hashkivenu Message from admin. November 18, 2016. Category: Halachot Arvit, Halachot Mincha Daily Halacha For Today. Praying Amida of Minha during the Tzibbur Amida of Arvit & Answering Amen to Hashkivenu https://hechalshalom.org/Audio/On%20Rosh%20Hashana,%20do%20we%20dip%20the%20bread%20in%20Salt,%20Sugar,%20or%20honey?.mp3 Skipping the Berachot of Keriat Shema to say Amida with the Tzibbur. Message from admin. November 17, 2016. Category: Halachot Arvit Daily Halacha For Today. Skipping the Berachot of Keriat Shema to say Amida with the Tzibbur. https://hechalshalom.org/Audio/Skipping%20the%20Berachot%20of%20Keriat%20Shema%20to%20say%20Amida%20with%20the%20Tzibbur..mp3 Answering after Hashkivenu Message from admin. November 15, 2016. Category: Halachot Arvit Daily Halacha For Today. Answering after Hashkivenu http://www,hechalshalom.org/Audio/Answering%20after%20Hashkivenu.mp3