Halachot Tahanunim: What happens if your Minhag is not to say Tahanun & you are in Minyan that says it. Message from admin. June 21, 2019. Category: Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Halachot Tahanunim: What happens if your Minhag is not to say Tahanun & you are in Minyan that says it. https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Hilchot-Tahanunim-What-happens-if-your-Minhag-is-not-to-say-Tahanun-you-are-in-Minyan-that-says-it..mp3 Halachot of Tahanunim: when do we start Tahanunim again in Sivan Message from admin. June 21, 2019. Category: Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Halachot of Tahanunim: when do we start Tahanunim again in Sivan https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Halachot-of-Tahanun-When-do-we-start-Tahanunim-again-in-Sivan.mp3 Saying Nefilat Apayim sitting down and saying it in a place there is no Sefer Torah Message from admin. February 24, 2017. Category: Halachot Nefilat Apayim, Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Saying Nefilat Apayim sitting down and saying it in a place there is no Sefer Torah http://www,hechalshalom.org/Audio/Saying%20Nefilat%20Apayim%20sitting%20down%20and%20saying%20it%20in%20a%20place%20there%20is%20no%20Sefer%20Torah.mp3 Saying Tahanunim in Minha Message from admin. February 22, 2017. Category: Daily Halacha, General Halachot, Halachot Mincha, Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Saying Tahanunim in Minha https://hechalshalom.org/Audio/Saying%20Tahanunim%20in%20Minha.mp3 Tahanunim on Mondays & Thursdays The order & extra Supplications Message from admin. February 10, 2017. Category: Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Tahanunim on Mondays & Thursdays The order & extra Supplications https://hechalshalom.org/Audio/Tahanunim%20on%20Mondays%20&%20Thursdays%20The%20order%20&%20extra%20Supplications.mp3 Saying the Pesukim of Yehi Shem Hashem Mevorach when there is no Tahanunim. Message from admin. February 7, 2017. Category: Halachot Nefilat Apayim, Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Saying the Pesukim of Yehi Shem Hashem Mevorach when there is no Tahanunim. https://hechalshalom.org/Audio/Saying%20the%20Pesukim%20of%20Yehi%20Shem%20Hashem%20Mevorach%20when%20there%20is%20no%20Tahanunim..mp3