Is Netilat Apayim an obligation?

Message from . January 11, 2017. Category: Halachot Viduy & Nedilat Apayim

Hilchot Viduy & Nedilat Apayim

Message from . January 6, 2017. Category: Halachot Viduy & Nedilat Apayim

Keriat Shema standing or sitting?

Message from . January 5, 2017. Category: Halachot Keriat Shema

Lighting the candles from one another

Message from . December 28, 2016. Category: Halachot Hanukkah

Making Seudot on Hanuka

Message from . December 23, 2016. Category: Halachot Hanukkah

Introduction to Hilchot Hanuka

Message from . December 20, 2016.

Certain people need special protection

Message from . December 19, 2016. Category: General Halachot

Halachot of Keriat Shema Al Hamita

Message from . December 16, 2016. Category: Halachot Keriat Shema