Hilchot Tefila: Standing up for the repitition of the Amidah part 2 Message from admin. September 17, 2020. Category: Halachot Tefilah Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Tefila: Standing up for the repitition of the Amidah part 2 https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Default_Shiur-670-Hilchot-Tefila_-Standing-up-for-the-repitition-of-the-Amidah-part-2.mp3 Hilchot Shabbat: Tikun Mana fixing a utensil. Fixing a door or using a plunger to unclog a toilet on Shabbat Message from admin. July 24, 2020. Category: Halachot Shabbat Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Shabbat: Tikun Mana fixing a utensil. Fixing a door or using a plunger to unclog a toilet on Shabbat https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Shiur-727-Hilchot-Shabbat-Tikun-Mana-fixing-a-utensil-fixing-a-door-or-using-a-plunger-to-unclog-a-toilet-on-Shabbat.mp3 Hilchot Shabbat Make Bepatish: removing price tags or threads from a suit etc Message from admin. July 23, 2020. Category: Halachot Shabbat Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Shabbat Make Bepatish: removing price tags or threads from a suit etc https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Hilchot-Shabbat-Make-Bepatish-removing-price-tags-or-threads-from-a-suit-etc.mp3 Hilchot Shabbat: Binyan ustira Bekelim: changing the height of a shtender etc. Message from admin. July 22, 2020. Category: Halachot Shabbat Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Shabbat: Binyan ustira Bekelim: changing the height of a shtender etc. https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Hilchot-Shabbat-Binyan-ustira-Bekelim-changing-the-height-of-a-shtender-etc..mp3 Wearing a mask on Shabbat in a public domain if there is no Eruv and taking haircuts or Shaving Rosh Hodesh Iyar Message from admin. April 24, 2020. Category: Halachot Sefirat HaOmer Daily Halacha For Today. Wearing a mask on Shabbat in a public domain if there is no Eruv and taking haircuts or Shaving Rosh Hodesh Iyar https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Default_Shiur-722-Wearing-a-mask-on-Shabbat-in-a-public-domain-if-there-is-no-Eruv-and-taking-haircuts-or-Shaving-Rosh-Hodesh-Iyar.mp3 Listening to music during Sefirat Haomer this year due to the situation (COVID-19) Message from admin. April 20, 2020. Category: Halachot Sefirat HaOmer Daily Halacha For Today. Listening to music during Sefirat Haomer this year due to the situation (COVID-19) https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Listening-to-music-during-Sefirat-Haomer-this-year-due-to-the-situation.mp3 Hilchot Tefilla: If a person is in a dangerous place they will pray a Tefilla Ketzarah a Short prayer Message from admin. February 13, 2020. Category: Halachot Tefilah Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Tefilla: If a person is in a dangerous place they will pray a Tefilla Ketzarah a Short prayer https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Default_Shiur-695-Hilchot-Tefilla_-If-a-paerson-is-in-a-dangerous-place-they-will-pray-a-Tefilla-Ketzarah-a-Short-prayer.mp3 Minhagim of Tu Bishbat Message from admin. February 12, 2020. Category: Halachot Tu Bishbat Daily Halacha For Today. Minhagim of Tu Bishbat https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Default_Shiur-699-Minhagim-of-Tu-Bishbat.mp3 Hilchot Tefilla: The laws of an abridged version of The Amidah Message from admin. February 12, 2020. Category: Halachot Tefilah Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Tefilla: The laws of an abridged version of The Amidah https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Default_Shiur-693-Hilchot-Tefilla_-The-laws-of-an-abridged-version-of-The-Amidah.mp3 Hilchot Tefilla: if it passed the 4th hour of the day may one still pray Shaharit and what if he purposely didn’t pray on time. Message from admin. February 7, 2020. Category: Halachot Tefilah Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Tefilla: if it passed the 4th hour of the day may one still pray Shaharit and what if he purposely didn’t pray on time. https://hechalshalom.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Default_Shiur-692-Hilchot-Tefilla_-if-it-passed-the-4th-hour-of-the-day-may-one-still-pray-Shaharit-and-what-if-he-p.mp3%20didn’t%20pray%20on%20time. Load more