Donning beautiful clothing for Shabbat and candle lighting Message from admin. July 4, 2017. Category: Halachot Shabbat, Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot Daily Halacha For Today. Donning beautiful clothing for Shabbat and candle lighting Lighting in your bedroom by the in laws or parents and lighting in a Hotel. Message from admin. June 28, 2017. Category: Halachot Shabbat, Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot Daily Halacha For Today. Lighting in your bedroom by the in laws or parents and lighting in a Hotel. Does the Husband automatically accept Shabbat by his wife’s candle lighting and does the wife automatically accept Shabbat with the Husbands Tefila Message from admin. June 26, 2017. Category: Halachot Shabbat, Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot Daily Halacha For Today. Does the Husband automatically accept Shabbat by his wife’s candle lighting and does the wife automatically accept Shabbat with the Husbands Tefila's%20candle%20lighting%20and%20does%20the%20wife%20automatically%20accept%20Shabbat%20with%20the%20Husbands%20Tefila.mp3 If one prays Shabbat early and one is obligated to accept Shabbat with the Tzibbur Message from admin. June 19, 2017. Category: Halachot Shabbat, Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot Daily Halacha For Today. If one prays Shabbat early and one is obligated to accept Shabbat with the Tzibbur Lighting where you eat and Beracha on Electricity Message from admin. June 12, 2017. Category: Halachot Shabbat, Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot Daily Halacha For Today. Lighting where you eat and Beracha on Electricity http://www.hechalshalomorg/Audio/Lighting%20where%20you%20eat%20and%20Beracha%20on%20Electricity.mp3 Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot – Introduction Message from admin. June 6, 2017. Category: Halachot Shabbat, Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot Daily Halacha For Today. Hilchot Hadlakat Nerot – Introduction