Saying the Pesukim of Yehi Shem Hashem Mevorach when there is no Tahanunim. Message from admin. February 7, 2017. Category: Halachot Nefilat Apayim, Halachot Tahanunim Daily Halacha For Today. Saying the Pesukim of Yehi Shem Hashem Mevorach when there is no Tahanunim. Until when can one recite Birkat Halebana Message from admin. January 23, 2017. Category: Halachot Birkat Halebana Daily Halacha For Today. Until when can one recite Birkat Halebana Birkat Hagomel for a sick person who is Cured Message from admin. January 23, 2017. Category: Halachot Birkat Hagomel Daily Halacha For Today. Birkat Hagomel for a sick person who is Cured http://www,